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Parking and ID Services

The Loyola Parking and ID Services office, located on the 1st floor of Biever Hall within University Police, is responsible for most campus parking services, including virtual parking permit sales and vehicle registration, traffic citation appeals, billing of parking fines, and all on-campus guest parking. A Public Safety Clerk operates the office. The Assistant Director of Support Services directly manages Parking Services.

A parking permit is required and enforced 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Valid student parking permits are not eligible for the Horseshoe Lot. Broadway Campus parking is limited and assigned only to residents on that campus and employees with an office located on Broadway Campus all others must use Main Campus options per permit authorization. We offer a variety of parking options for our Loyola students and employees. We also offer parking for community members and Recreational Sports Complex members.

Smiling Student for ID Services

ID Services

As a registered student or employee at Loyola, you are required to have an identification card while on campus. This card will make it possible to access the Sports Complex, access the on-campus housing if applicable, and the meal plan purchased. Replacement cards are issued at a fee. The payment method for students is on the tuition account. The employee payment is cash only.

Parking Information


Smiling Student finds spot to park

Parking Maps

Discover maps for the Main Campus and the Broadway Law Campus.

Parking Maps

Sadie likes the ParkMobile App

ParkMobile App

Hourly and Daily parking is available in various locations on the main campus via ParkMobile. (Restricted hours may apply)

ParkMobile App