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Parking FAQ

Do I need a permit to park on campus?

Yes. Anyone who parks on campus must have a valid parking permit or use ParkMobile daily. Visitors should work with the host office to seek the best parking solution for you. Employees and students are not eligible for guest/complimentary parking privileges.

Is a student parking permit included in my fees?

No. Students must purchase a two semester pass online via Single Sign On (SSO). Student permits are charged to the tuition account in the semester requested.

If I work at Loyola do I need to pay for parking?

Yes. As an employee your permit is based on your salary and prorated accordingly throughout the fiscal year (August - August). Payroll deduction is recommended when applicable.

How do I receive the parking permit when purchased?

Your parking permit is "virtual" and will be associated with the license plate on your vehicle. Enter your license plate number in the online parking portal to become a valid permit holder. You can also update the system if you change your license plate for any reason by emailing Accuracy is a must. Call or email us if you need help!

Where can I park with the virtual permit?

It depends on the permit issued. Student and Employee permits park in the garages; surface lots are designated. Hourly paid parking may park on North Road between Freret Garage and Buddig Hall or West Road behind Holy Name of Jesus Church. Broadway campus parking is limited to those who are housed or have an office on that campus in additional to the main campus student parking as needed.

Who can park in the Horseshoe Lot?

This lot is an assigned lot. The Admissions office has spaces reserved for prospective students scheduled for a tour. A vehicle that requires charging at one of the stations in the lot must have a valid permit and usage is limited to two hours. All other spaces are designated to Department Heads in Marquette, Communications Thomas Hall and Stallings building. Those designated will be notified of the approval via email upon permit assignment.

What happens if I get a parking ticket or boot?

Parking citations are issued when a vehicle has not followed the regulations such as not having a permit on the car parked on campus at that time. If the vehicle is not in our system, it is subject to an immobilization at a cost to the driver. Outstanding citations on a vehicle incur an immobilization (boot). Any vehicle booted will not be released until all fines are paid and the balance is at zero. A booted vehicle cannot pay online, they must speak to a staff member within LUPD to process payment. A ticket can be appealed if there is a dispute of fact.

Can I park in a RESERVED space?

Spaces reserved on either campus are assigned to an individual vehicle, not to all permit holders or visitors. Those eligible will be directed to park in a specific reserved space, and all other vehicles will be automatically booted.

I have more questions that are not listed, who do I call?

Please call Parking Services at 504-865-3000 for further assistance or email us at